What is joy? Have you heard the statement that Joy isn't happiness?
I've always totally agreed with this statement; but it's not until I experience challenge and change in my life that my idea of joy was really tested.
Webster defines JOY as :::
{ 1.a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight
2.something or someone greatly valued or appreciated
3.the expression or display of glad feeling
4.a state of happiness or felicity}
Joy is the SOURCE, VALUE, EXPRESSION, and STATE of happiness. Joy isn't simply being happy! Happiness comes FROM joy. It's pretty true that when you study through the Bible, you no doubt stop at Job to visualize joy in action. But even Job needed a little reminding. In Job 33:26, Elihu is speaking to Job reminding him of God's faithfulness.
"26 He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state." vs 28 says :"He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, [g] and I will live to ENjoy the light.'"
Webster defines HAPPINESS as :::
{ 1.delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing
2.characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy
3.favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky
4.obsessed by or quick to use the item indicated }
Happiness is delightful, and pleasing; but it's limited to a particular thing. It's characteristic of joy, but it's often a quick, obsessive action stirred on by fortune.
My challenge has been to declare with my life that ALL my delight is in the Lord and I read that "In the Lord there is fullness of JOY" (ps 16:11) The word doesn't say fullness of happiness, or fullness of fortunate obsession.
It's lasting. It's steadfast. It's not moody. It's not conditional.
God's good!!! YA KNOW?!
Now i'm going to joyfully eat, and joyfully tap a nap, and joyfully... and joyfully... and JOYFULLY. :)