"I've been trying to tell him, If the good times outweigh the bad, then it's worth it!"
I instantly wondered what the story behind that statement could be. A marriage or relationship? A job? Whatever the case, what a sad statement! "THEN it's worth it." As though there is an option of value.
["I am worth the life of Jesus"]
My mind turns to the nation. Whether you voted for Obama or McCain, the outcome is decided! I believe the church body is on sandy ground if we aren't careful of our response.
A reaction may be: "I'm moving"
A response should be: I'm praying
A reaction may be: to say that Obama will soon be assassinated.
*I could camp out on this point for a while. This statement enrages me!
A response should be: I'm praying for his safety and soul.
A reaction may be: "I don't understand"
A response should be: God understands, I trust and pray in faith, not fear.
In 1 Peter 2:13 we are told to respect authority:
" 13Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right."
Notice the theme of prayer. Value has been decided. Value of prayer, value my life, value of this nation, value of leaders, value of President Obama's life and value of his authority.
It's not WHEN it's "worth it" to pray. It's BECAUSE it's "worth it" to pray.
I didn't vote for Barack Obama, but I support him IN PRAYER as the 44th President of the United States of America. Not only because "the Bible tells me so" but because I understand and trust the value of the statement, "Christ is Supreme"