Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"I am worth the life of Jesus"

"I am worth the life of Jesus"
a statement powerful enough to bring a man to tears
true enough to make the son-of-man weep

[ Position-> Perspective->Perception->Behavior ]
Last night at my Effective Communications class our Professor had us repeat "I am worth the life of Jesus", twice. We were talking about value and commitment and love and understanding our value as a speaker. Since this class has an emphasis on preaching we fortunately have the liberty of discussing this idea from a spiritual angle.

After repeating that phrase twice, he asked how that idea affects us. One of my classmates, Justin, was brought to tears. Such a simple idea yet so powerful! I was thinking about the significance of this moment in a class of 6 people felt called to preach. If we aren't ourselves positioned to understand and perceive our value, we cannot effectively communicate to a generation so broken and searching for value.

//"You won't and CAN'T behave in a way that you do not perceive"//

It all goes back to the cross. Jesus stamped you with irrevocable value when he gave His life for you. We MUST understand our position in Christ. It affects our perspective, our perception, and our behavior. I imagine Christ's heart breaking when one of His kids refutes their value. I also imagine his overwhelming joy when they have a moment much like Justin did last night.

Just a simple thought for you today...Do you recognize and realize and understand that YOU are worth the life of Christ? It's not a theory or even just a nice thought; it was proven and illustrated on the cross.



Anonymous said...

"I am worth the life of Jesus." The first thing I thought of was "thems fighting words..." I am not. My life has no comparision. The beautiful thing is that Jesus thought I was even though he saw all my shame before he made that decision. I have value in something bigger and better than myself. Thank God!
Sounds like an amazing class.

.:meagan.rae:. said...


exactly! haha fighting words in our flesh. Too often we tell ourselves we are NOT worth much in comparison with the perfection of a Christ-like image. But we are worth that much! Because Christ says that we are! He never said we are perfect and he knows we won't be until we reach heaven; but we are loved and valuable to him. Love = commitment. Christ is SO committed to the value he placed in us. It truly IS a "Thank God" for his overwhelming and steadfast love for us!
This is a good conversational piece! thanks for conversing :)

naphtali said...

Wow. I love this post. It truly inspires thought. It's hard to even accept that "I am worth the life of Christ". But we are!!! By his grace! What an overwhelming, yet completely basic doctrin thought.

Unknown said...

Excellent, Meg! You know--I was thinking about this very thing just today. Amanda & I ventured to the mall. I really don't like the mall, but it is a great place to "People Watch"--and you know how I love to "people watch". I look at a person and begin to wonder what their "story" is; what they have endured in their past, what their life is like now, and what God has destined for them.

I can't help it! It's an endless cycle. Today, I wondered, does that person know that they are worth the life of Jesus?

I love it when God gives us His eyes for other people, too.
So simply, yet so profound!

markfrancey said...

Very good Meggy.