LOoove this headboard and Cherry Blossom Wall decor from Urban::
I want this rug! (also from Urban)
and this chandelier! (i have a cute little corner that really needs this)
THIS spindle lamp base:
Oooh to dream the dream of decorating. Happy Friday!
That is a really sweet headboard!!
ummmmm ps....
I really need to make you a cool blog header or something!! Your blog is in a serious need of some design!! =)
I knooooow. i love it.
And YES! i do believe we have talked about this ;)
yay for the chandelier! i have the same one in my room and i never get tired of looking at it :) it adds a great ambiance too!
by the way, happy birthday! i hope you've had a fantastic day! :)
I have that lamp base, only to find that a bunch of other people have it too! :(
Oh, then Fiona knocked it off our side table when she was wrecklessly running laps around the living room running away from Jeremiah who was chasing after her, waving his arms like a mad man! Well it chipped the base.
How do I live my life?!
@kelliesue, ooh thanks doll :) you're so sweet!
@[J] Aaaah haha! that's kinda funny though! you should definitely be video taping these things and blog them! haha ok, maybe not :)
so maybe i'll pick another base. It would be fun to find a quaint little base and paint it white! hmm!
I have that lamp base, only to find that a bunch of other people have it too! :(
Oh, then Jennifer knocked it off our side table when she was wrecklessly running laps around the living room running away from Fiona who was chasing after her, waving her arms like a mad man! Well it chipped the base.
How do I live my life?!
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